General privacy policy

GENERAL PRIVACY POLICY within DEVIL CO SRL regarding EU Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC.

The company DEVIL CO SRL (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) complies with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council – on the protection of persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of these data and of the repeal of Directive 95/46/CE (hereinafter referred to in this plan as the “Regulation” or “GDPR”) which will become applicable from May 25, 2018.

This Policy applies:

The premises and work points belonging to DEVIL CO SRL
To all departments and all staff belonging to DEVIL CO  SRL
To all contractors, suppliers and others working on behalf of DEVIL CO  SRL


  • Operator – the entity – in the present case – DEVIL CO  SRL, or any other legal person, public authority, agency or non-governmental organization, which processes or determines the purposes and means of processing personal data;
  • Personal data – any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person; an identifiable person is that person who can be identified – directly or indirectly, by reference to an identification element: name/surname, address, personal code, e-mail, telephone, income, biometric data, image, IP address or by reference to medical, genetic data, data regarding ethical or racial origin, political, religious, philosophical, cultural beliefs or trade union membership;
  • Data subject – any natural person whose personal data may be or are being processed by the operator;


DEVIL CO  SRL, based in Carpiniș, registered at the Office of the Trade Register next to the Timişoara Court under no. J1994000274358, with tax code RO5237440, e-mail:, is responsible for processing your personal data that we collect directly from the persons concerned or from other legal sources.

Our company – DEVIL CO SRL has the status of operator according to the provisions of the new regulation. In order for data subjects’ data to be processed securely, we have made every effort to implement reasonable measures to protect their personal information.

When the data subject enters into a relationship of any kind with us, they entrust us with their information.

The purpose of this General Privacy Policy is to explain to data subjects what data we process, why we process it and what we do with it – in our capacity as an operator. We take privacy seriously and never sell lists or email addresses. Being fully aware that personal information belongs to each individual, we do our best to store it safely and process it carefully. We do not provide information to third parties without first informing the data subjects. This information is important. We hope they will be read carefully.

This general Privacy Policy does not cover the applications and websites of other third parties that people can reach by following links on our website. This is beyond our control. We encourage everyone to review the Privacy Policy on any site and/or application before providing personal data.

This General Privacy Policy also covers the process of recruiting and selecting candidates for positions offered by the company (e.g. – the company obtains personal data as a result of a request to fill in a form in an application or by sending a CV – by e- e-mail). The company informs the applicants of the personal data that will be collected, the purpose for which it is collected and how it will be used, in close connection with the existence of the Privacy Policy specific to recruitment formulated by the company (in the e-mail recruitment operation there is a link to privacy policy).

According to the law, the natural person receiving our services, or the person in any kind of relationship with us, is a “data subject”, that is, an identified or identifiable natural person. In order to be completely transparent about data processing and to allow it to easily exercise its rights at any time, we have implemented measures to facilitate communication between us, the data controller and the data subject.


The protection of data subjects’ personal information is very important to us. That is why we have committed to comply with the new Regulation (EU) 2016/679, the applicable national legislation

Terms & Conditions – other details

  • ANPC measures to inform consumers about alternative dispute resolution (information available here and here)
    the payment methods for passenger transport services to/from the airport are as follows:

    • Cash payment
    • Payment Order – using the bank account
    • Online payment, using Netopia services
  • The services offered by, through SC Devil CO SRL, consist of transporting our clients to/from the airport, according to the reservations made. The details regarding the delivery of the services (transportation) are established by mutual agreement between the staff of Devil CO SRL and the customers of the website
    return/cancellation/change policy:

    • in case of cancellation or modification, the amount paid is returned in full only if this aspect is communicated at least 24 hours before the first transfer
    • in case of missing the flight due to the fault of the requesting passenger, the amount paid is not refunded.